Monday, November 9, 2009

The man with a Dream

It was one of my visits to Virlanie Foundation, an orphanage that I met Atty. William Sanchez. Though he is a lawyer, his camaraderie with ordinary people is exemplary; I was just like having a conversation with a long time co-worker.

I know that his business with the orphanage has to do with humanitarian issues like helping street children. Having lived myself on the streets, government institution (RAC, Reception and Action Center), and non-government organization (Virlanie Foundation Inc., an orphanage), it is easier for me to draw the difference between these sittings. In the public housing institution, the one I had experienced, nobody wants to stay there for a day or two if there’s a choice. Some children who have been caught loitering around the city would even strive to wriggle themselves into tiny spaces just to get away from there if it could be done. You and I surely want a homely place to dwell even for a time – not a jail-like environment that could only add psychological burden to the already depressed individuals. Without a better option – some would prefer to risk their lives and stay on the open space of the streets and parks, where there’s fresh air and nice things to look at – and, most of all, freedom. It is surprising, why some government programs can’t just afford to make life easier for these miserable people – perhaps, the problem has often been overlooked by the authorities. If NGO’s have provided good accommodations and proper care for their clients (based on my experience) – there’s no reason why public institutions can’t do the same. Mainly, the problem doesn’t lie on financial matters – but the quality of care, and treatment of the people under their care.

I am grateful for all the people who involved themselves in an effort to help others, especially those people who doesn’t know what to do with themselves.

Atty. Sanches has founded several projects:

Public Service Background

The formation of numerous non-profit groups: City kids, Inc.; Philippine Charities Foundation; Grameen Village Bank for the Poor -- creation of bank for the poor in the Philippines, serving thousands of micro-business owners; U.S.A. Micro business all over Florida -- thousands of small businesses being helped thru loans and business developement; representing thousands of immigrants, from Cuban and Haitian refugees to millionaire investors.

His honorable advocacy and inclination to help the poor around the world to be self-sufficient through business developement is a blessing to all underprivilage who want to improve their lot in life; and, this, he believe, will not only minimize the sufferings arround the globe, but will bring more understanding and peace among nations.

Equally, his innovative idea of giving rights to immigrants in the United States will surely win approval to the immigrants themselves who, without doubt, want to partcipate in the country'S further developement. Moreover, the fact that the process will increase the nation's treasury, as the the study of Atty. William Sanchez reveals, then the said idea will difinitely find its way into the hearts of the americans, too.

Every now and then, there are people who are born to have a noble vision – Atty. Wiliam J. Sanches is one of them. Let's support him!

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